10 idea Hadiah untuk Pengantin Baru

HI Assalamualaikum semua? How’s everyone doing? i hope everything went good for all of you. so ya anyway as you know musim musim cuti sekolah ni korang mesti dapat banyak jemputan kahwin sedara mara, rakan sekerja dan juga kawan kawan rapat. Its become our tradition that for this special ocasion we will give the newlyweds sama ada duit atau hadiah or can be both jugak ussually yang kenalan rapat mahupun saudara mara yang terdekat. and as for me i ussualy bagi hadiah yang ussually usefull for them to use after the marriage, tapi kalau kadang tak sempat tu aku just bagi duit jer haha maklumlah tak sempat kadang kadang, cari hadiah tak jumpa and paling selalu tak tahu mahu bagi apa. this happen to everyone of us kan?. so as cliche as it is, this blog post is all about that, i will be list out the 10 usefull and brilliant hadiah for the newlyweds, and this will be varies in price/budget and i will explain for each product. Oh and kalau boleh please avoid hadiah yang could be sensitive macam barang barang keperluan baby, home decoration, makanan ke or atau anything yang you not sure about the newlyweds likes and dont, just go for barang yang we all guna daily . Check the list out below :

1. Washer & Dryer
Toshiba Inverter Front Load 8.5KG Washing Machine & Condenser Dryer 8KG
Price : RM3588.00

 Just imagine how usefull this machine will be for them, i know this kind of expensive for everyone but aku suggest washing and dryer ni bukan for solely buyer, maksud aku if you can afford to give it ya why not kan, but maybe your colleague kat tempat kerja yang kahwin so kat office boleh share the money to buy, pastu kalau one of your adik beradik you yang kahwin, you can share with your other sibling or parent utk beli this for the newlywed, its brilliant kan..and out of the brand yang aku check toshiba is the one that stand out among other brand, its equipped with this new tech and stuff even have wifi also, the thing is this one is still manual so you have to move the cloth the dryer when its finish cleaning, i prefer this one rather than the 2 in 1 machine because if one function is broke down then the whole machine cant be use, the down side for this is, it will take so much space in your home..

2. Smart TV
Hisense 4K UHD Dual Band WiFi Smart TV / Television
Price : RM1199.00

Preparation after marriage ussualy move to the new house and etc, so why not give this thoughtfull present to give the newlyweds for their next chapter of life kata nya. Then again this hadiah sesuai for those yang boleh share the cost for this present, dont buy alone but if you mampu why not..thats all haha and the good thing also, this shop offer free instaltion on the house, once you buy set the time and let them sent out straight to the new home, tapi kalau nak tunjuk jugak masa hadir majlis kahwin tu boleh jer bawa kan ngan kotak besar tu hehe or just bawa something to show like resit payment on the nice envelope to give the newlywed that they will get this present..ahh gitew

3. Wireless Vacum Cleaner
Dyson V8 Slim ™ Fluffy Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

 How i wish i get this kind of present on my wedding day, this will be usefull for me..haha berangan but ya logically this is the thing that you should give the newlyweds not some picture frame or some house decoration for them, avoid this two when giving present because it might not right for them because you just dont know them like how the house theme gonna be…so stick to something that you think usefull for you and it will be usefull for them too…macam vacum cleaner ni ahh pasni the newlyweds klu mentua datang rumah takdo alasan dah rumah habuk sana sini nohh…haha yer lah vacum cleaner dyson kot tak kan jadi perhiasan saja uhuks…..jgn malas ok pengantin baru..hadiah ni pun comes in box so senang lah wrap nnti during the event boleh lah show off sikit sapa bagi hadiah besar kat pelamin pengantin…tiberr!

4. Air fryer yg semua rumah mesti ada kata nya
Russell Taylors 3D Air Fryer Large

Sekarang kan semua benda nak cepat senang on doing things every day on our daily life, so this high grade airfryer would be doing wonder to the newlyweds just imagine every day them eating food from air fryer hahaha..no lah kidding only bah haha i would love to have this on my gift wishlist, wouldnt you? kannnn its so thoughtfull and usefull ok.so give them this and its not that expensive you can wrap it nicely and on the wedding day and you can carry yourself the box to the pelamin without a sweat..this one nak show off boleh jugak kot tapi i dont know mungkin everyone tahu kot apa dalam kotak hahaha, but thats not the point yang penting hadiah tu usefull untuk si pengantin baru..tapi just because you guyz dpt hadiah air fryer ni kalau mentua datang rumah jangan ler hidang makanan dari airfryer, show lah some effort sikit haha masak lah lemak cili padi biar menyala telinga mentua makan pedas…haha

5. Tilam di mana Keajaiban berlaku dan menjadi saksi di malam pertama..gitew!
SpinaRez Health Pedic Tilam Mattress 14 inch Individual Pocket Spring System with HeiQ Viroblock Technology

 This is where the magic happen, ahh dont get me wrong, good sleep result to good mood good healthy body and good life gitew..ye lah kalau kau bangun tidor esok pagi sakit belakang sakit leher sakit macam macam, macam mana nak menempuhi zaman kegemilangan pengantin baru…for me this is very practical and thoughtfull gift if you must ask, haha well if you know you know…and as a newlyweds getting this kind of present will be fullfilling the needs of what a new marriage is about, gitewww ntah apa aku melalut haha when you know you know ..ok sdh lah! next! ok this one  tak perlu kot bawa masa weding day haha suruh kedai hantar terus pergi rumah pengantin, kang ko bawak harung meja meja macik tengah makan ngan segedabak nya tilam king size ni, kena viral tak memasal…haha

6. CCTV untuk intai jiran sebelah...haha..nda bah!
Sricam SriHome 360 Degree 1080P FHD WiFi Camera CCTV IP Security Cam

Kau rasa penting ka idok benda alah ni?…nahhh di zaman yang penuh pancaroba ni you tell me where you can feel safe from bad people? none even at your home, so dengan ada nya benda ni tidak lah 100% you’ll be safe from the bad guy tapi one layer of protection to another is good rather than nothing, ya kan?..so lagi lagi newlyweds yang mungkin dua dua nya berkerjaya rumah kosong tiap hari balik rumah malam at least this sense of protection make your marriage even more happier..ye kan? so giving this kind of hadiah 2 or 4 biji nahhh your home is in another level of protection compare to the one yang takder cctv..isnt it? pratikal dan thoughtfull kan emm kalau macam ni mesti korang tangkap niat mau kahwin balik supaya dapat gift gift thoughtfull dan praktikal kan…aku lesing kepala kau kang…bawak2 betaubat ok haha…

BioloMix Non-Stick Stainless Steel Electric Home Contact Grill Griddle DIY

nah kau ingat klu newlyweds tiada masa mau bbq ka?..ada ok taw lah dapat hadiah tilam baru..ko ingat kerja tidor saja…uhukkkz anyway bg aku this is very good gift, the activities of bbq itself is one way to rapatkan lagi jalinan hubungan intim antara suami isteri, bayangkan kau stay di high rise apartment tingkat 25, pastu letak set bbq di meja tu koridor yang lagi facing sunset nahhhhh menangis kau teresak esak makan daging bbq with black paper sos..emm mcm aku pn mau kahwin lah tapi mesti bagi hadiah ni…huhu….ok yg ni electric taw so kau nda payah lah lagi bengis mau pasang api guna arang kau sambung soket pastu on jak, lagi klu guna arang tu mau kau kena cop jiran biadap oleh jiran sebelah rumah kau? pastu kau jadi main topic dlm group whatsapp taman kau?mahu?tidak kan..so bagi aku this is the one kalau mau gift untuk newlyweds…no matter what you have to agree with me, now go book now link kat bawah ni jer!!

8. Comforter tebal ala Hotel
kun® Hotel Grade Quilt Comforter / Blanket / Selimut

Dari honeymoon di hotel bagus honeymoon di rumah saja sebab comforter ni quality hotel hotel 5 bintang ok, tebal sedap tidor pasang aircond, nahhhh tapi tu lah kalau bagi hadiah ni memang gedempul lah ko punya wrapping hehe tapi seriusly this is very good idea present for newlyweds ok..if you know you know..hahaha malar ..i approve this…and its cheap too…

9. Water jet untuk cuci kereta bukan untuk buak bisnes car wash
BOSSMAN BPC 1070 Waterjet High Pressure Cleaner Water Jek Jack Sprayer

Kau pun tidak terfikirkan mau bagi water jet, mau bisness car wash ka pa benda kan?..well when you think deeply ya more deeply lagi, yess this things is quite usefull jugak taw, you dont have to have a car to own this, you still can wash motor, halaman rumah and eventually sooner or later mesti you akan ada kereta juga kan so this is very usefull wehhh..husband weeked pun boleh spend time di rumah cuci kereta, berguna kan?pastu masa cuci kereta depan halaman rumah tu boleh lah borak borak ngan jiran sebelah, tanya dorg pakai tilam apa, pastu boleh promote tilam hadiah yang korang dapat masa kahwin hari tu hahaha..

10. Seterika baju wap supaya baju no more berlubang hangus
Panasonic 2000W Standing Garment Steamer Telescopic

Trauma baju berlubang di kala bangun pagi mau pergi kerja sebab terbakar masa iron baju will be no more ngan hadiah ni huhu…this is sangat function ok, its cheap and tahan lasak also..i would say this gift idea is the best one out of 10 idea i put in this blog post…jadi aku sangat rekomend korang bagi ni as present for the newlyweds and buy one for yourself too if you still using the old tradition way iron yg boleh buat baju berlubang tu ahaha lagi lagi kalau pagi raya emmm bawak bawak lah berubah haha…change to this kind of seterika…ok? its cheap too and jimat electric dohhh…settle

So thats all guys 10 gifts idea for the pasangan pengantin baru, dalam mereka sibuk memikirkan untuk persiapan langkah seterusnya di alam perkahwinan sedikit sebanyak kita punya hadiah tu meringgankan sedikit beban dalam melangsungkan kehidupan mereka sebagai keluarga baru…ahh gitewwww terpeleot lidah aku buat ayat tu uhukz..well ya tidak di nafikan some of the gift idea is outrageously expensive and its not like im going to live with the newlywed daripada beli barang mahal untuk orang lain bagus beli untuk diri sendiri….Nahhh what invite you to come on this blog on the first place??? to have an idea right? to have an option emm what you can give to your friend yang baru kahwin…soo lapangkan dada buka minda take my idea as it is necessary and inline with your budget..thats all..no one is forcing you to buy all the things here….kannn? lagi pun hadiah macam cerek masak air?toaster?blender?frame album?apa lagi?? set baju baby? ahh semua tu tooo mainstream why not trying something new kan?… like i said jugak on the begining of this blog post avoid things that sensitive and unsure because if the things that you give them end up tak kena guna so what is the point?isnt it?..so faham kan..soo ya i think thats all for now…thanks for reading this blog..ohh ya macam biasa link link yang aku share tu adalah affiliate link so klu korang beli dari link tu aku akan dapat sedikit commision lah…ok bah kan?…okeyyy thanks for reading byeeee