welcome to my


this is mainly a column for me to express my feeling or what i thought of something, or maybe just sharing story of my life.


ok what one thing you should know before puting ads on your website, DONT SET AUTO ADS ON YOUR WEBSITE, yes this!! if you think you will get benefit more on impresion well i would say yes but not entirely,

Kadang anxiety tu datang tanpa di undang, memang pun tidak di undang hehe, kadang admin tengah scroll tiktok pastu tiba tiba anxiety datang, kadang masa memandu,masa tengah tidor, masa mandi atau anytime pun boleh datang tu anxiety,

so ya from the title of this post itself, you guyz already know what this all about. Finally pin yang di hantar dari google untuk verify account google adsense admin sudah sampai. Walaupun admin ni tidak lah seaktif mana kalau post di website ni tapi

Admin pasti di luar sana mesti ada lagi yg tidak tahu apa tu virus parvo, virus parvo ni virus yg menyerang kucing2 anda dan sangat boleh membawa kematian, SERIOUSLY!!