written by Azlan Said
Tips Untuk Kaki Travel Budget Dalam Group Part 2
Hi Assalamualaikum semua.. so this is Part 2 of the previous post, so tanpa membuang masa lets continue to tips No 6.
6. Bring Your Own Small BagPack Or Sling Bag

Ya some of us love to bring lot of thing but tidak suka bawa beg?..so yang jadi mangsa org yg bawa beg, bagi masuk botol minuman sy d beg kau,tumpang drone di beg kau,tumpang make up bag tmpt kau,tumpang power bank tempat kau,tumpang pempers d beg kau?..ehh hahaha…amboii senang betul kau order keldai bawa pigi travel sekali…plzz guyz bring your own bag, don’t do that to your kwn travel..ya lah kadang2 kita ni tidak jgk berkira ok jgk, tapi kalau kau sdh jalan kaki mau 3km kwn kau lengang2 jln depan kau, kau sana mcm keldai nda cukup air bw barang..soooo?kalau fhm kan senang…
7. Picture 1 2 3….
So, siapa travel tidak mau ambik gambar?plz angkat tangan?..tiada kan?..semua pn mau begambar…semua pun mau simpan sebagai kenangan di hari tua…giteww…picture of the day utk instagram post, facebook post semua lah…ahhh itu belom lg yang gila mau rakam vlog..ook this no 7 kita focus on taking picture..plz guyz kalau tngkap gmbr tu..tngkp gmbr dengan ikhlas hahaha…klu tidak cantik you ask ur frens to pose again…sdh smpi jauh jauh then gmbr mcm org tahan berak…so win win situation…I know some people sgt cerewet when come to taking picture, but you will learn from your travelling day and you will know what your friends like ms ambik gmbr.…tapi kalau tlampau over begambar smpi gangu kamu pnya timing utk next destination then alarm your group you need to catch time or paling bagus set a time utk begambar bila sampai..
8. Follow The Rules

If you are travelling to foreign country, tolong hormat and ikut Negara orang punya peraturan, we are pelancong and we are most likely to be known as ambassador/duta for Malaysia. Do you want to be label as ohh Malaysian tourist is so pengotor very rude reckless driver all that stuff..do you want that?..i know deep in your heart nah who cares?we are likely only contribute 1 percent of whole Malaysian why should I bother…oh ya? Cuba kau ada rumah org kasi kotor rumah kau?kau ada kereta sewa org kasi kemek kereta kau?kau bother ka tidak?..same goes when you are travelling, sometime we are staying at AIRBNB house or hostel,if the house rules said no make noise,no smooking, no litter anywhere ..simple bah tu just follow the rules..or if you are renting a car, plz follow the road regulation,simple as follow the speed limit,give signal when turning,tdk memotong ngn reckless all that stuff like you do in Malaysia.plzz follow the rules because between your group someone credit card, someone passport, some one ID yang kamu guna untuk sewa tu rumah kereta or even hotel..so klu something happen due to breaking the rules tu nah orang kena pakai credit card nya utk register tu kena charge or fined or worst dpt saman dari authorities..unless kau ada credit card sendiri pakai sendiri then kau buat apa suka…I know maybe most of the time we get away from it but somehow your lucky day not going to stick with you forever…so plz foloow the rules..
9. Plan Your Travel
Plz pick a time and do a meet up in your group untuk discuss apa aktiviti yang perlu di buat ms travelling nanti. So everyone will comes up with an idea apa yang korang suka makan, aktiviti,shoping and bnyk lagi..so in your meeting you can siapkan all the ittenerary while kamu di sana, so travelling kamu akan lebih smooth without pening mana mau makan what to eat and stuff..for example when come to eat everyone taste of food is maybe different, so if someone suggesting a restaurant to eat and you don’t feel it but your friend excited to go, plz don’t give that I piss on my pants look?muka tekencing dlm seluar?..plz don’t do that just go there enjoy and tell them ok next we go to my place plak..ahh mcm tu…don’t stop any of your friends if they want to go to club,go to massage,go to holy place to pray,just don’t stop them and don’t judge..as long as you know how to take care of yourself then all good…and ya create a whats app group,so you can update anything and add anything you wanna do.
10. Travel Experience

11. Jangan Lupa Ole-Ole
Bila kita di Negara orang, we observe, we learn orang lain punya culture, we experience tempat orang. When going to places try to enjoy the view and free your mind, look around you,be amazed..Sebab apa..when you are going back to Malaysia to your hometown those experience those pengalaman yang baik kita ikut jadikan tauladan…ya kita pergi Negara orang sgt amazed ngan dorg punya kebersihan, how they do it how they manage to do that?mesti something kan?..ussually cara dorg di besarkan..how life teach them since the very beninging lagi parents sdh show them how to respect,follow the rules and responsibility towards surrounding you..so every travel experience to make it as your learning point in life then at the end of the day, you going to wake up and cant wait for another adventure.
Ahhh ni lah comment yang paling ko selalu dpt selepas ko post d fb, di ig kau di luar Negara..”jgn lupa ole ole” hahaha ini terpulang lah…masing2 kan…klu ada duit extra why not beli la key chain ka?fridge magnet ka?..anything yang ko mampu..and tidak ambik so much space bila packing barang nnti…hehehe..but seperti yang tajuk saya tulis ni travel budget kan, klu ko rasa ole ole ni membebankan atau lari budget then no need to buy,sbb you have to think abt yourself first, sbb kamu yang di luar Negara if something happen then siapa mau tolong?..but then again ole ole ni selalu nya murah2 jugak kan…hehehe so its up to you guyz…hahaha..

okay..thats the end of this thread, this whole thread is not to mean to stop you from having fun, you do you..im just giving out some experience on situation that we have facing while traveling..and again whatever happen to me is not necessary going to happen to you and this is not vital, you can improvise or try and error so that your travel experience will be the best one you ever have in your life. and if you have anything you want to add please do comment down below and if you think this thread is somehow helping you are free to share this post to any social media you have…okay… xoxo