written by Azlan Said
Hi, Assalamualaikum semua, how is everyone doing?..i hope you guyz doing great, and yeah happy new year 2024, so how this new year going to be for you?…mesti paling cun ni kan, as for me, ntah lah macam tiap kali tahun baru macam tiada yang baru, semua sama tapi tu lah nothing new lah bagi aku haha…bosan…so dari tajuk yang kamu nampak untuk blog post kali ni, ya thats right guyz aku ambil iphone 15 pro max lagi dengan digi, sebab my last phone is iphone pro 13 and contract ngan digi pun sudah habis so finally after thinking and thinking finally aku decide ok you know im gonna take it, sebab aku just cannot handle the temptation yang hari hari lalu di time line tiktok aku haha..well itu lah natijah nya kalau terlampau terpengaruh haha..

so ya, memang kalau aku ingat balik sebelum ni, selepas habis contract digi ngan iphone 13 pro memang aku tanamkan dalam diri tidak mahu sambung contract or no more new phone. i will use the iphone 13 pro until the last drop haha. tapi tu lah macam aku cakap tadi i just cannot lawan the temptation yang aku jumpa every single day haha and finally yup i get caught haha…tapi tu lah before anything memang aku sudah buat servey, research, watching tons of tons of reveiew on youtube, tiktok and instagram and as the end result i take the iphone 15 pro MAX, yes MAX guyz…haha after using small iphone for about 5 years this time i decide to level up a bit and get the MAX phone which if you ask me now, did i regret it? yes i have this 50% feeling of regret buying it haha..
so ya back to the topic, kali ni aku ambil dari digi lagi, opss not digi but CelcomDigi, this 2 company already merging di Malaysia and i dont know for me its kinda good, because of the merge this company will comes up new plan and package to attract more customer and the service that they going to provide also hopefull will be bertambah baik. So untuk plan pakej kali ni aku sign up plan Freedom 360 tapi untuk kali ini aku sign up untuk 3 tahun!!! haha i know i know it is scary when to think about it, and after 1 month it is still scary to think about it.haha kenapa scary well its 3 years tho haha that is about 36 month lama tu, tapi bila aku fikir balik nah ambik je lah sebab ya why not haha..

Untuk plan kali ni digi bagi tahu aku layak untuk zerolotion which is korang tak perlu bayar apa apa advanced payment, just sign up ur debit card or credit card for monthly bill payment. Aku ada tanya juga how to eligible for this zerolotion things, Digi cakap first you need to be loyal digi customer maksud nya dah lama lah jadi pelanggan digi, pastu you have to be a good pay master, when this 2 thing looks good on your account status then you are automatically eligble for zerolotion, which is you dont need to pay advanced payment for any device you take.
Sekarang kan digi still ada 2 option untuk freedom 360, ambil phone with advanced payment or ambil telefon with credit card payment then you dont need to pay advanced payment also, but kalau korang layak untuk zerolotion you dont need to have credit card for that guna debit card pn boleh jugak. Thats what digi staff told me lah so guyz if you are loyal customer digi with good account status then try lah ambil flagship telefon kat digi, this pakej not limited to iphone okay, there is plenty of other good brand also macam samsung, honor, huawei and etc.

Blog post kali ni aku tidak akan cerita tentang berapa aku kena bayar and stuff sebab detail tu semua korang boleh cek kat website digi, semua tertera di situ berapa banyak yang korang perlu bayar, and its depend on your budjet so choose wisely lah mana yang sesuai ngan belanja bulanan korang. oh lagi satu for the time being sekarang plan ni tak boleh apply online through website, korang kena pergi ke branch digi di tempat korang untuk apply kat situ, im not sure why they stop the online registration for this, aku saspek mungkin dorang nak habiskan stok telefon yang kena hantar kat branch kot, so thats why they stop it for now and im sure they will open it back again soon ohh ya why i think they want to focus on the new phone and phone stock kat branch sebab other than iphone 15 you still can apply through online, cuma iphone 15 je kena datang ke branch.

I think thats all yang aku boleh share kat korang pasal plan freedom 360 ni, kalau korang ada nak tanya lagi pasal ni just comment or korang pegi mana mana socmed aku then dm aku kat situ…tapi sebelum aku end this blog post, give me another perengan untuk aku review what i think about iphone 15 pro max…Haha edisi MAX kat situ pun aku dah hampir lemas haha, yes guyz if you already used to small screen phone you need to think very very carefull, decide betul betul do you need big screen size max ni haha, sebab aku take about a few days untuk get used to this huge screen, or should i say i still dont really suka ngan screen besar ni haha bila aku pegang my iphone 13 pro tu ahhh sedap jak kat tangan tak besar tak kecik memang cun lah pegang. Sebab tu bagi aku screen MAX ni memang bagi aku point penting jugak untuk decide beli phone baru hahaha…tapi other than that aku memang puas hati gila la ngan iphone 15 pro max ni, batrey tahan gila, kau main game mobile legend 10 kali pun batry still not drain, tengok tiktok scrool reel instagram ka memang lambat lah batry ni nak drain, sangat sangat tahan pastu kalau nak charge ahhh memang sekejap doh, ye lah sekarang kan guna usb c, cas tu sangat cepat dohhh, ahh lagi satu camera function tu fuhhh memang puas hati, gambar video yang ambik dari iphone 15 pro max, memang paling debomb lah.. nampak bnyk beza sangat dari iphone 13 pro aku, lebih lebih lagi tu kalau video mode,cinematic mode pastu ambik video waktu malam, memang nampak beza, but offcoz memang lah tak leh lawan camera dslr ke pe benda kan this is still mobile phone…kesimpulan nya memang aku puas hati TITIK.. haha
ok lah i think thats all for now, thanks for reading this blog post, i will leave my unboxing video down here feel free to watch it and korang kalau nak tanya apa apa just comment kat video ni yer…byeeeeee